Data protection and who has access to your records

Data protection privacy notice for patients


This privacy notice lets you know what happens to any personal data that you give to us, or any that we may collect from or about you.

To continue reading our privacy notice please click here to download the complete document

GP Privacy Notice Template – 12 July 23

GP Data Processing Agreement Priory FCP – signed

Choosing which organisations can view your record

You can choose which other organisations involved in your care can view your full medical records. You can choose this on an individual organisation basis, or apply the setting across all organisations.

Freedom of Information Act

The Freedom of Information Act 2000, recognises that members of the public have the right to know how public services are organised and run, how much they cost, and how decisions are made. The Practice fully complies with this Act.

NHS Summary Care Records

As part of a mandatory, national programme each GP Practice will have to make a summary care record for each patient (unless the patient has already opted out).

Transferring Your Electronic Health Record

Your GP practice holds copies of your patient health record electronically and in paper format. Both contain the healthcare information about you that your GP needs including your medical history, medications, allergies, immunisations and vaccinations.

If you have previously registered with a different GP in England, upon registering at this practice your electronic health record will, where possible, be transferred automatically from your previous practice through the use of an NHS system called GP2GP.