Priory Road Medical Centre details

Priory Road Medical Centre is based in Swindon. Our friendly and helpful team are here to make sure your health and wellbeing are managed. We have several doctors and nurses, and physiotherapists who work together to offer a range of NHS healthcare services to our patients.

Opening times

Find our opening times here.

Contact information

There are different ways you can get in touch with us at the practice. Find out more about how to contact us here.

Register as a new patient

If you would like to register as a new patient with the practice, you can find out more information and how to register online.

Online services

Find out more information about the online services we offer.

Care Quality Commission

Priory Road Medical Centre is currently rated ‘GOOD’ by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). You can find out more about our rating and the quality of our health and care services, and the report on our CQC page.