Patient confidentiality

We respect your right to privacy and keep all your health information confidential and secure. It is important that the NHS keeps accurate and up-to-date records about your health and treatment so that those treating you can give you the best possible care.

Everything you discuss within the surgery is confidential, but may be shared with the practice health care team and with other health care professionals to whom you are referred for care. Information will not be disclosed to other parties without your consent. This also applies if you are under 16.

This information may be used for management and audit purposes. However, it is usually only available to, and used by, those involved in your care. You have the right to know what information we hold about you. If you would like to see your records please contact the Medical Secretary.

Why information is collected about you

We ask you for information so that you can receive proper care and treatment.

We keep this information, together with details of your care, because it may be needed if we see you again.

We may use some of this information for other reasons; for example to help us protect the health of the public generally, and to see that the NHS runs efficiently, plans for the future, trains and rewards its staff, pays its bills and can account for its actions. Information may also be needed to help educate tomorrow’s clinical staff and to carry out medical and other health research for the benefit of everyone.

Sometimes the law requires us to pass on information; for example, to notify a birth or to report infectious diseases such as meningitis or measles (but not HIV/AIDS).

The NHS Central Register for England & Wales contains basic personal details of all patients registered with a general practitioner. The Register does not contain clinical information.

Everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential.

You may be receiving care from other people as well as the NHS. So that we can all work together for your benefit we may need to share some information about you. We only ever use or pass on information about you if people have genuine need for it in your and everyone’s interest. Whenever we can we shall remove details which identify you. Anyone who receives information about you from us is also under a legal duty to keep it confidential. If you agree, your relatives, friends and carers will be kept up to date with the progress of your treatment.

Information will not be disclosed to other parties without your consent.

Our guiding principle is that we are holding your records in strict confidence.